I haven’t done too much posting over the summer months as travel, family, baseball, and reading have been more prominent in my wonderful freedom to choose each day how I spend my time.

Still, there have been some posts, some of which you may have missed because of your own summer activities. And so, below are links to various posts from the last three months, organized generally by topic.

Travel & Photography – mostly photographs with a bit of my writing about trips to Spain, Louisiana, and Ireland:

*Andalusiai: Thru Ellen’s Eyes

*Thru Ellen’s Lens: The Alligator Blinked First

*Ireland Thru Ellen’s Lens

Family – some thoughts, photos, and musings about family

*She Died too Soon

*The Importance of Fathers

*More Things I Never Knew or What I Learned Last Weekend

Books – not wanting to wait a whole year, I’ve posted what books I’m enjoying and what some of you have reported to have enjoyed in the first part of 2016:

*I’m Reading What You Recommended, Part I

*New Reads, Recent Favorites, Part II

*Books MillersTime Readers Are Enjoying

*More Mid-Summer Recommendations by MT Readers

Films/Theater – nine films and a play:

*Movies: Three to See

*Six Movies to Consider

*Writing at Its Best – (Joe Posnanski on the play Hamilton and his daughter)

Baseball – surprisingly (to me), I haven’t posted much about my obsession with the Red Sox and baseball, tho I’ve spent many hours on this important matter all summer. (Note: as of this post, the mighty Sox are tied for first place in the AL East.)

*Join Me for a Nats’ Game in Sept./Oct.

Articles of Interest/The Outer Loop – attempts to pull from other writers understandings of what is occurring in our political world, along with a simple statement on why I voted for Hilliary in the DC primary and will do so in the general election:

*Trump Voters: Strangers in Their Own Land?

*“I Want My Country Back”

*I Voted for Hilliary Today

It’s not too late to add your voice, thoughts, comments to any of the above posts.
