West of Memphis *****
Another documentary that as it progresses you just keep wondering about our country.
This one is about three teenagers who are accused of the brutal murders of three young kids in West Memphis, Arkansas. Initially, it seems as if they are guilty as charged, particularly because one of the three ‘confesses.’ They are convicted, and one of the three is sentenced to death.
Then, because of the on-going efforts of some people who don’t believe they are guilty, gradually evidence is gathered which shows that the police and the prosecutor got it all wrong.
Nevertheless, the three teenagers spend 18 years in jail as the powers that be do not want to own up to their mistake(s).
See it to learn the final outcome.
(Once you’ve seen the film, take a look at this article that brings you up-to-date on the latest details of what has happened since the documentary was made.)
The Silver Linings Play Book ****
Terrible title. Good film. Good acting.
After Pat Solatano (Bradley Cooper) has spent eight months in a state mental institution, his mother ‘springs’ him, and he returns home, hoping to rebuild his life and get back together with his wife. But Pat refuses to take his medication for his bipolar condition. His family, particularly his father (Robert De Niro) who has problems of his own (OCD), hopes he will settle down and just be ‘normal.’
Enter Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence), who is going through a difficult time herself after the death of her husband. Tiffany offers to help Pat get back in touch with his estranged wife, but for a price.
The rest you’ll have to see for yourself.
Writer/Director David O. Russell has made a romantic comedy that is filled with good performances by all of the main actors (particularly Jennifer Lawrence), some good humor, a story that surprises, and one that we’d like to believe could happen.
* * * * *
That’s it for films for now, tho we are going to see the new James Bond film tomorrow between our Peking Duck Thanksgiving preparations and the actual ‘event.’ We always see one of the ‘big’ new films on Thanksgiving afternoon and on Christmas Day. I gather some of the kinder (not the grand kinder) are also going to see the latest Twilight foolishness (one was enough for me).
Finally, I have it on reliable authority (ML) that Chasing Ice is a ‘great’ movie.