Authors, Books, Fiction, Library of Congress, Library of Congress National Book Festival, Natinal Book Festival, Nonfiction, PBS Special, Sept. 25-27

The Library of Congress National Book Festival which has taken place for 19 years in Washington, DC will be virtual this year, September 25-27, 2020.
In one place (on your own Internet ‘device,’ over one weekend) you will be able to hear, see, and interact with some of the authors you no doubt follow and treasure. As opposed to trying to get in line to ‘fight’ the crowds that have now increased every year, you can schedule to hear and to see them on line.
‘Live’ and in Q & A sessions, there are categories that include authors for Children, for Teens, for Family, Food, and Field, Fiction, Genre Fiction, History and Biograpjhy, Poetry and Prose, Science, and Understanding Our World. (See Schedule for names of specific authors and times and dates of their presentations.)
There are more than 100 authors participating as you can see from this alphabetical listing of author participants.
And there’s two-hour special on PBS entitled The Library of Congress National Book Festival: Celebrating American Ingenuity,
Check it all out ahead of time at the festival‘s website.
Finally, keep up with all the latest information about this delightful access to the many events and current authors who are participating in this wonderful paean to books and authors:
Follow the Festival
Finally, keep up with all the latest information about this delightful access to the many events and current authors who are participating in this wonderful paean to books and authors:
- Subscribe to the National Book Festival email alert service
- Follow the National Book Festival Blog
- Follow the Library on Twitter @LibraryCongress External
- Follow the hashtag: #NatBookFest
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