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The Washington Post in an article written by Kim Soffen has just posted an article about 40 Obama’s promises, which ones were kept, which ones were broken, and which ones were compromised.

A quick summary says:

Promises Broken – 17

Promises Kept – 11

Promises Compromised – 12

There is a good deal of information in the article, and it can be accessed by the three categories above and/or by subject category (economy, health care, energy, immigration, national security, government process, etc.).

No matter your view and feelings about Pres. Obama and also about the Washington Post, I think this article is a fair attempt at evaluating his promises and what happened with them by the end of his eight years in the White House. My wife Ellen, who followed Pres. Obama carefully on the issues of governmental process and often called him out on his failures to follow through on those specific promises, thinks the article is accurate in the areas she knows much about.

See: After Eight Years, Here Are the Promises Obama Kept – and the Ones He Didn’t.
