WaPo photo

Virtually every news source has articles about the death of Joe Paterno and opinion pieces about his legacy, about how he will be remembered, and, particularly, about how his handling of the Sandusky outrage has or has not affected how he will be judged.

Paterno only gave one reporter, Sally Jenkins of the Washington Post, an interview. He spoke to her from his house and his bedroom over a two-day period just before he died.

If you want to see what Paterno himself said, the two Jenkins’ articles (one came out just before he died and then second one came out today) are linked to below.”

If you only have time for one of them, perhaps read the one that was published today.

Jan. 23rd article: After a life of wins and losses, others will judge Paterno’s legacy.

Jan. 14th article: Joe Paterno’s last interview.
