MillersTime/GoSox contest contributors are not doing so well so far.

Of the 35 predictions of what would take place during the Hot Stove league, 19 have already proven not to be true, 11 have yet to be decided, and only five have come true.

Here’s where we are so far:

1. The Nats will sign Jose Reyes as a shortstop ending their leadoff futility.

2. Pujols to the Angels. (True)

3. Posada to the Marlins.

4. Ortiz to Baltimore.

5. Fielder to Boston,

6. Yankees don’t do a damn thing (though they need to replace AJ).

7. Big Papi stays in Boston. (True)

8. Prince Fielder heads to the Cubs.

9. Francona to the O’s.

10. Jose Reyes signs with the Marlins. (True)

11. Pujols re-signs with the Cardinals.

12. Sox hire Dave Sveum as manager and Gene Lamont as bench coach.

13. Sox re-sign Ortiz to 2 year deal. (One year so far)

14. The Nationals will win 95 games (Ed.- not in the winter, they won’t.)

15. Papelbon goes to the Phi…Oops (Ed.- happened before this prediction.)

16. Sevum is Sox manager.

17. Ortiz signs with Sox for two years. (See #13)

18. Sox keep Wake on board at least going into spring training.

19. Sox surprise us all by winning signing rights to Yu Darvish.

20. A Rod will start dating Kim Kardishian – helping her over her recently failed marriage (sad) and fueling his love for drama.

21. Unemployed NBA stars will purchase the LA Dodgers.

22. Pujols signs the biggest contract in baseball history.

23. Big Papi retires from baseball due to the continued pressures associated with the constant decline in the Red Sox fortunes. Boston to remain at bottom of the AL East through out the entire season. (Ed. – another person who couldn’t follow directions.)

24. Robinson Cano to hit a record number of Home Runs by the All Star Break, then reconsiders future in baseball due to Biggest Loser Personal Trainer offer. (Ed. – see note above.)

25. Bald Vinny to run for Mayor of New York.

26. The YYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNKKKKEEEEEESSSSS!!! Win the World Series for a 28th time (no joke there Sox Fans!). (Ed. see above and above, etc.)

27. Orioles win the rights for and sign Yu Darvish.

28. Then they (Os) sign C.J. Wilson and Prince Fielder.

29. Brian Roberts recovers from concussion syndrome and returns to form. (Ed. – in the winter?)

30. The Orioles dominate the AL East, thus beginning the decline of the Evil Empire and the Sux. (Ed. – another contestant who can’t read instructions, probably a teacher or a principal.)

31. Ortiz stays in Boston. (True)

32. Francona becomes a commentator for ESPN instead of managing. (True)

33. The Red Sox lose their captain and do not sign Jason Varitek again.

34. The Nationals sign C.J. Wilson.

35. A current major leaguer will come out of the closet?

Or maybe the lead should be that five of you are really insightful and know what you’re talking about?

Anyway, at least we’ll have a winner. When we know all of which are true and not true from above, you folks will chose which one is the best prediction and thus wins the prize: two tickets to a game in any stadium of the winner’s choosing for the 2012 season.
