2020 Elections, President Donald Trump, Tell Others What You Think About the 2020 Election Results, The Meaning of the 2020 Elections, What Did the 2020 Elections Tell Us?

The country has ‘spoken’ again.
And again, we must listen.
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What I heard:
Our country chose to take a step away from the decision we made in 2016.
By reversing Donald Trump’s 2016 electoral victory, the country chose to replace this President.
While the voters selected someone quite different from President Trump, I believe the country nevertheless remains deeply divided, perhaps even more so than it was in 2016.
My hope is that we will listen to each other, we will begin to understand others’ points of view, we will be willing to reexamine our own points of view, and we will begin to find ways to bridge some of our differences.
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What did you hear?
For readers of MillersTime, I hope you will consider commenting on what you believe the 2020 election results have told us. (I’ve limited my answer above to that question to 100 words.)
You can post your thoughts by clicking on the Leave a Comment section above. Use your name, initials, or post anonymously, whichever you feel most comfortable in doing.
Thanking you in advance for taking the time to share with me and the readers of MillersTime what you understand to be the message(s) from the 2020 elections.