Now that ‘that’s’ over, MillersTime can announce the two winners of the contests that had not been previously decided.

For Contest #1 – make a prediction about the 2011 baseball season –  the clear winner was Peter Shimm who back on Feb. 7 boldly said that neither the Sox nor the Phillies would be in the World Series. How did he know?

The choice of the winning prediction was made by readers of MillersTime, with their votes on line and by email. According to my techie wife, deciding that way is quite cool and is called something like ‘crowd sourcing.’ Peter’s prediction was the overwhelming favorite.

He wins two tickets to a game in any stadium in either league next year. (I will do my best to get the specific game Peter wishes but only promise the stadium he chooses.)


And for Contest #6 – choose the winner of the 2011 World Series – Todd Endo wins his second contest of 2011. He was the only one who chose the Cards to win the Series. And he’s not even that much of a baseball fan, he claims. (He also won Contest #2 in a tie vote with his prediction that the Nats would improve to a record of 81-81 – they ended 80-81).

Following pretty close behind Tood was two time winner Tiffany Lopez who had the Rangers winning the Series. Earlier this year she won Contest #4. with her predictions of the season records for the Sox and Yankees. Tiffany also won one of the contests last year and went to Fenway for the first time in her life as her prize for her 2010 prediction.

Todd wins two seats to a 2012 World Series game, and tho I did not mention this point in the contest rules, he can take anyone he wants to that game UNLESS the Sox happen to be in the WS. In which case, Todd must go with me.


Finally, keep your eye on this site as I am going to add a Hot Stove League contest having to do with the best prediction for what will happen this winter.
