We have three winners in two of the 2011 MillersTime Baseball Contests.

In Contest #2, asking if the Nats would have a better or worse record and what their won-loss record would be, there is a tie.

The Nats improved their record from last year’s 69-93 to 80-81, quite probably the best gain of any team this year. They didn’t have a chance to end their season at .500 because a rained out game with the Dodgers was not rescheduled as it would not have affected any of the standings.

And so who were the winners?

Todd Endo predicted the Nats would be 81-81. And Elizabeth Miller predicted 80-82.

Since there’s no way to determine what would have happened in the rained out game, it seems that declaring both Todd and Elizabeth winners is the most reasonable thing to do.

Also doing well were Nick Fels (82-80),  Paul Durand (83-79), Steve Begleiter (77-85), Meg Gage (83-79), Monica Rober (78-84), Greg Rober (79-83), and Ted Goodwin (82-80).

Todd and Elizabeth win two tickets to any Nats game next year.

Check the schedule and let me know what you want to see. You could even go together if you wish, tho that is not necessary.


In Contest # 4, predicting the season records for the Yankees and the Red Sox, there were three folks who were close: Kevin Curtin, Tiffany Lopez, and David Price.

The final records were Yankees 97-65 and the Sox 90-72.

Kevin had the Yankees at 97-65 and the Sox at 96-66, off by a total of 6 games (over estimated the Sox).

Tiffany had the Yankees at 96-66 and the Sox at 93-69, off by a total of 4 games (underestimated the Yanks and over on the Sox).

David had the Yankees at 99-63 and the Sox at 87-75, off by a total of 5 games (over estimated the Yanks and underestimated the Sox).

Thus Tiffany, a former MillersTime winner wins again.

She can get two tickets to any American or National League playoff game for this year if she can go and gets in touch with me immediately. If not, I’ll carry over the prize to next year’s playoffs and/or get her two tickets to any 2012 game she chooses.


Winners in the two remaining contests have yet to be decided (#1 – Best Prediction of the Year and #6 World Series winner).


