Of the many lessons I learned from my father, the one that he repeated often and in a variety of contexts was “There’s a time to leave the party.”
As I aged and was confronted with major decisions and as he aged and tried to make me understand that leaving the party included letting him go, I told him I understood his advice.
When I asked him “How do I know WHEN is the time to leave the party?”
He immediately said, “I can’t tell you that, but I can suggest it’s better to leave too early than too late.”
As I read the words of President Biden today, I’m reminded of what my father taught me.
And I’m thankful that President Biden has chosen to leave the Presidency.
In my view, President Biden deserves the country’s appreciation and thanks for all that he has done over his 50 plus years in service to our nation.
I hope that as difficult a decision as it must have been for President Biden to make, he leaves the “party” without regrets.
I, for one, admire him, how he has spent his life, and how fortunate our country, and the wider world, have been for what he has given us all.